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The Lucky One (the album) available now!

The Lucky One album thumbnail (no SAs).jpeg

A studio record, by Mark Jewett - vocals and guitars
and the “Strategic Advisors”:

  • Billy Harrington - drums

  • Michael Harrington - guitars

  • Ken Pesick - bass

  • Amy Petty - vocals

  • Dale Grisa - keyboards

with special guest "Advisors":

  • Sonia Lee - violin

  • Jason Dennie - mandolin

Buy it! We love it when you buy it!

About "The Lucky One" single...
  • Allison Moorer called it, "So comforting!"

  • Rodney Crowell agreed and called it, "Genuine". He also said "This is you. After seeing you perform this, even if I don't remember your name, if I see you on the street, I will remember, you are 'The Lucky One'."

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